You are invited to be part of the Summer Wellness Series.

You might already be a part of the Trio Wellness Portal which is awesome!
All you need to do is go the “resource” section and click START for the Summer Wellness Series -
you’ll get notified of new content each week.

If you are new - welcome! Just click this link to join the portal and go from there!

Take action on your well-being this summer and build your foundation of strength.

Each week you will receive an email with a short video and invitation to take action.

We will host a live Weekly Wellness Gathering on Zoom every Monday @ 3 p.m. EST
to talk about the week’s content + action step and share insights.

Please watch my special video invitation for YOU for more details.

It’s really about building connection + community around this important topic of well-being and
helping you feel good on a daily basis so that you can do the important work you are doing -
we need you to THRIVE.

Stay tuned for special incentives for your summer participation!

Summer Wellness Series starts May 31st!

Join the portal and click START under “resources” - today!
See the summer flow below - would love to have you join.

Feel free to email me if you need help or have questions!

week one - Our why

Explore reasons behind why you are doing what you are doing. Our “why” forms the basis of our being, gives us focus and reminds us of the big picture. This first step establishing our why is an important one.


week two - Declaring + Defining

Begin the process of feeling comfortable declaring yourself a priority. So many of our students come from backgrounds where self-care and prioritizing health and wellness just isn’t a thing. Recognizing it’s okay to put yourself on your own plate is critical.

Beginning to define what well-being means is the next step. It’s an ever-evolving process, but gaining clarity early on and starting with the basics sets a solid foundation.


week three - taking stock

Self-awareness forms the basis of well-being. Explore your natural tendencies and current habits. Getting a baseline read on how you tend to operate on a daily basis will inform better choices going forward. Learn to work within your natural tendencies and get clear on which habits are supporting and which habits are hindering your well-being. We perform this exercise without judgement, but with curiosity.


week four - connecting the dots

Build on the previous week by gathering data on how they feel as a result of your key habits. The goal is to continue growing self-awareness and connecting the dots between how your choices and behavior impact how you feel on a daily basis.


week five - setting our intention

Self-awareness coupled with intention is powerful. Set an intention for your well-being to guide your efforts this summer and beyond. Envisioning your well-being and becoming excited to take small action steps toward being well is really the goal.


week six - take action

The final three weeks will be a time for you to experiment with setting and achieving small weekly wellness goals. Learn about the science behind habit formation and develop a growth mindset when it comes to your well-being.


week seven - take action

Report findings from last week and formulate a wellness goal for this week. Take part in group discussions facilitated to share insights and encouragement.


week eight - wrap up

Report findings from last week and formulate a wellness goal for this week. Craft a well-being action plan to support yourself going forward based on what you learned this summer.

Remain a part of the Wellness Portal and the 365 Mindful Days community to continue receiving support and encouragement throughout the academic year and beyond!